Week 23

 Dear Parents and Students,

We have had another busy week, including the commencement of our Chinese Week activities. Ms. Tsai and Ms. Lin have been very busy designing and providing various activities to celebrate Chinese culture, and we have also been incorporating them into our regular classwork.


In the Classroom:


We have been working with decimals all week, and our Topic 12 test took place on Friday.

Our regular benchmark and cumulative tests will take place next week. Next, we will learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals and whole numbers.

Literacy Workshop

To follow the theme of Chinese Week, we began reading The Last Dragon in class. This is a story about an American boy who spends time with his Chinese aunt to learn about his heritage. We have had some interesting and insightful discussions in our Reading Circles, and our skills in drawing inferences are developing further each week. We will finish the story next week, as our Chinese Week activities draw to a close.



We spent the week reviewing what we have learned about force and motion, and we also had our first Science Fair conference. This week’s conference was an introduction to the Grade 4 Science Fair format. Everyone has received a guidebook outlining the Science Fair. Parents, please take some time to look through the guide with your child, and we will discuss it all in detail after the break. Next week, we will enjoy another practical assignment as we begin our investigations of electricity.

Social Studies

We completed our study of Ports in the Southeast this week, and learned about international shipping, including the invention of the shipping container, and how it has allowed us to enjoy cheaper imported goods. We will review the chapter next week. There will be no test for this chapter, but what we have learned will be included in a unit test that will take place in a few weeks.

Other important information

Our Chinese Week activities will continue next week, until we break for Lunar New Year on Wednesday afternoon. I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing weekend, and I’ll see everyone back at school on Monday.

Dates to remember:

M-W Feb 5-7: Chinese Week continues

Mon Feb 5: Bring chopsticks for lunch.

Wed Feb: Wear red

Th-F Feb 8-18: Lunar New Year Vacation

Mon Feb 19: Classes resume

Wed Feb 28: 2/28 Peace Day Holiday

Fri         Mar 2: Assembly

Fri         Mar 8: PD Day - Students not required at school
